Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Aspectos jurídicos y neuropsicológicos del ciberbullying en el ámbito de las TIC en Colombia 

      Arrieta López, Milton; Linero Racines, Ronald Miguel; Sánchez Montero, Evelyn; Carrasquilla Díaz, Laura Patricia (Opción, 2019-06-20)
      La revolución tecnológica produce cambios en la sociedad, los menores de edad se desenvuelven en contextos sociales propios de la era digital, lo cual ha propiciado nuevas formas de acoso. La presente investigación consiste ...
    • cognitive consequences of cOViD-19: results of a cohort study from South America 

      Crivelli, Lucía; Calandri, Ismael Luis; Carello, María Agostina; Keller, Greta; Martínez, Carlos; Arruabarrena, Micaela; Corvalán, Nicolás; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco (Arquivos de Neuro-PsiquiatriaBrazil, 2021-10-11)
      Background: Neurological and psychiatric manifestations associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported throughout the scientific literature. However, studies on post-COVID cognitive impairment in people with no ...
    • Executive functioning and decision making in men who look at advertising stimuli with sexual content 

      Baeceló, Ernesto; Navarro, María Camila; Gelves Ospina, Melissa; Rodrigues, Fernando; Rosa, Pedro; Orozco, Erick; Benítez, Juan Camilo (Universidad de la Costa, 2018-03-02)
      Introduction: Decision making is determined by executive functioning (cognition), but also by other environmental and emotional elements inside the process. However, until now, studies that take into account both the ...
    • Fleni Coglioma: batería para la detección de compromiso cognitivo en pacientes con Glioma de bajo grado 

      Keller, Greta; Carello, María Agostina; Banjsak, Vanina (Corporación Universidad de la CostaColombia, 2022)
      Los nuevos procedimientos quirúrgicos han beneficiado a los pacientes con Gliomas de Bajo Grado (GBG), quienes tienen una mayor esperanza de vida. Por este motivo existe un creciente interés en proteger la cognición y ...
    • El funcionamiento cognitivo como endofenotipo de la anorexia nerviosa. Estudio en familiares no afectados por la enfermedad 

      Tapajóz, Fernanda; Soneira, Sebastián; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco (Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicologicas y Ciencias AfinesArgentina, 2022)
      El perfil cognitivo de los pacientes con anorexia nerviosa se caracteriza por dificultades en la flexibilidad mental y en la coherencia central. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar si los familiares de primer grado ...
    • José Ingenieros and the Amusias: the beginning of the neuropsychology in Argentina 

      Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Roman, Fabian N (Revista De Neurologia, 2018-05-16)
      The Argentine neuropsychological school is born of the hand of the European school and is part of the beginning of the Experimental Psychology. In 1896 Horacio Pinero creates the first Department of Psychology at the ...
    • Literacy level and executive control in healthy older peruvian adults 

      Soto-Añari, Marcio; López, Norman; Rivera-Fernández, Claudia; Belón-Hercilla, Verónica; Fernández-Guinea, Sara (Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021-08-26)
      Introduction: Early-life educational experiences are associated with cognitive performance in aging. Early literacy seems to improve executive control mechanisms, however, it is not clear whether early education would still ...
    • Utility of a screening test (MoCa) to predict amyloid physiopathology in mild cognitive impairment 

      Clarens, María Florencia; Calandri, Ismael Luis; Helou, Maria Belen; Martín, María-Eugenia; Chrem Mendez, Patricio; Crivelli, Lucia (Corporación Universidad de la CostaColombia, 2020-12-09)
      Introduction: The MoCa (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) Screening test has become relevant in recent years in the screening of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). It is important to seek and study simple and ...
    • Working group recommendations for the practice of teleneuropsychology in Latin America 

      Crivelli, Lucía; Quiroz, Yakeel T.; Calandri, Ismael Luis; Martin, María Eugenia; Velilla, Lina; Cusicanqui, María I.; Yglesias, Fernando Coto; Llibre-Rodríguez, Juan J; Armele, Montserrat; Román, Fabián; Barceló, Ernesto; Dechent, Claudia; Carello, María Agostina; Olavarría, Loreto; Yassuda, Monica Sanches; Custodio, Nilton; Dansilio, Sergio; Sosa Ortiz, Ana Luisa; Dozzi Brucki, Sonia Maria; CARAMELLI, PAULO; Slachevsky, Andrea; Nitrini, Ricardo; Carrillo, María C.; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco (Elsevier BVUnited Kingdom, 2021-10-20)
      Objective: Teleneuropsychology (teleNP) could potentially expand access to services for patients who are confined, have limited personal access to healthcare, or live in remote areas. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic ...